I have only now read that Mr.James W. Snow had passed away. I am deeply saddened. Mr. Snow's great size was probably intimidating to many, to me, Mr.Snow was a great warm person with a good heart. I worked for Mr.Snow as his exec. mgr. during his full term at the Civil Aviation Tribunal. During those years, we shared many conversations about our family lives and I gladly took in all the advice he ever gave me. I knew and witnessed Mr.Snow as a dedicated and hard working person that never stopped until all tasks at hand were in order and completed. Mr.Snow was a perfectionist. I will truly miss him.
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I have only now read that Mr.James W. Snow had passed away. I am deeply saddened. Mr. Snow's great size was probably intimidating to many, to me, Mr.Snow was a great warm person with a good heart. I worked for Mr.Snow as his exec. mgr. during his full term at the Civil Aviation Tribunal. During those years, we shared many conversations about our family lives and I gladly took in all the advice he ever gave me. I knew and witnessed Mr.Snow as a dedicated and hard working person that never stopped until all tasks at hand were in order and completed. Mr.Snow was a perfectionist. I will truly miss him.
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