Pioneer cemetery, Bronte St., Milton prior to restoration

Comments (1)
Comments from Users
Posted by [Name Withheld], 29 March 2010 at 14:36

Thank You for posting this, and for the restoration, it's so sad to see it abandoned, but lovely to see such a beautiful stone!

I think David might be my husband's 3rd Gt Grandfather, he had 3 daughters before leaving Scotland and I don't know if they eventually came to Canada to be with him, but if not we are descended from one of them (Jessie)

Isabella Farquharson, I believe, never left Scotland although it appears all, or most of her children are there in Milton. So nice that here children commemorated her on a stone there as I cannot find her on one here in Aberdeenshire. Her husband and David's father (also David) is commemorated on a stone in Strathdon's Old Kirkyard. (Strathdon, Aberdeenshire)

"To the Memory of David Downie Farmer in Beilhandie Born 1782 died 23rd April 1854 Erected by his Widow and Family Also in memory of Charles Downie Sergt Major in the 53rd Regt who died at Beilhandie in 1810 aged 33."

the Charles referred to I think is David's (senior) brother.

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