Posted by Patricia Jackson, 20 March 2015 at 15:36
Son of Alexander Robertson 1787 – 1853 and Agnes Nancy Moore 1808 – 1890 who are buried in Boston Presbyterian Cemetery, Esquesing Twp, Halton County. Married Annie Sherwood on May 4th 1865 in Georgina, York County, Ontario.
Posted by Patricia Jackson, 10 May 2015 at 9:38
Dr. Robertson was born July 9th 1841 in Milton, Ontario and died August 8th 1912 in Milton, Ontario. He was the son of Alexander Robertson [1787 – 1853] and Agnes Nancy Moore [1808 – 1890] who are both buried in Boston Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Milton Ontario. Dr. Robertson married Jennette Sophia Morse [1844 – 1919] on January 24th 1867 in Milton, Ontario. Jennette was the daughter of Samuel Morse [1820 – 1870] and Mary Ann Book [1824 – 1888] who are both buried in Bronte Pioneer Cemetery, Milton Ontario. Dr. Robertson and Jennette Morse are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in the Robertson Family plot. Buried with them are numerous children, their spouses and some grandchildren.
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Son of Alexander Robertson 1787 – 1853 and Agnes Nancy Moore 1808 – 1890 who are buried in Boston Presbyterian Cemetery, Esquesing Twp, Halton County. Married Annie Sherwood on May 4th 1865 in Georgina, York County, Ontario.
Dr. Robertson was born July 9th 1841 in Milton, Ontario and died August 8th 1912 in Milton, Ontario. He was the son of Alexander Robertson [1787 – 1853] and Agnes Nancy Moore [1808 – 1890] who are both buried in Boston Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Milton Ontario. Dr. Robertson married Jennette Sophia Morse [1844 – 1919] on January 24th 1867 in Milton, Ontario. Jennette was the daughter of Samuel Morse [1820 – 1870] and Mary Ann Book [1824 – 1888] who are both buried in Bronte Pioneer Cemetery, Milton Ontario. Dr. Robertson and Jennette Morse are buried in Evergreen Cemetery in the Robertson Family plot. Buried with them are numerous children, their spouses and some grandchildren.
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