Posted by Frank L. Nettleton, 3 March 2012 at 20:27
Was just viewing the article on the Barcus horse stocks. Seems they are very rare. Just wanted to infor m you that I rode down into the Grand Canyon in 1995 on the mule
ride, and at that time they were still using two of these stocks to shoe mules at the mule barn. However, the last time I was there , I believe it was 2001, they had only one
still in use, due to having robbed parts off of one to keep the other useable. This might be a place for you to observe one of these really fine inventions at work.
Just as info. Hope it will help
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Was just viewing the article on the Barcus horse stocks. Seems they are very rare. Just wanted to infor m you that I rode down into the Grand Canyon in 1995 on the mule ride, and at that time they were still using two of these stocks to shoe mules at the mule barn. However, the last time I was there , I believe it was 2001, they had only one still in use, due to having robbed parts off of one to keep the other useable. This might be a place for you to observe one of these really fine inventions at work. Just as info. Hope it will help
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