The priest conducting the ceremony is Reverend J.P. Lardie of Hamilton Diocese. I served at many wedding masses in this church as an alter boy in the '50's
Posted by Robert Granby, 2 June 2011 at 17:11
This was my wedding photo. Neil was that you in the picture? Or do you happen to know who it may have been?
Thank you.
Posted by Neil Devlin, 4 June 2011 at 12:10
Hello Robert I wasn't serving in 1953 so it couldn't be me. I've looked at both altar photos and my guess would be that your server was Jim Mallon. He was a few years older than me and was an altar boy until the late 50's. Sorry I can't be more definite, Regards, Neil Devlin.
Posted by James Gildea, 28 August 2011 at 22:50
Hi Neil. Don't think it is Jim Mallon as I don't believe the Mallon's settled in Milton (Steels Ave.)till about 1955, about the same time we settled in Kingsleigh Court, Oct 1955.
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The priest conducting the ceremony is Reverend J.P. Lardie of Hamilton Diocese. I served at many wedding masses in this church as an alter boy in the '50's
This was my wedding photo. Neil was that you in the picture? Or do you happen to know who it may have been?
Thank you.
Hello Robert I wasn't serving in 1953 so it couldn't be me. I've looked at both altar photos and my guess would be that your server was Jim Mallon. He was a few years older than me and was an altar boy until the late 50's. Sorry I can't be more definite, Regards, Neil Devlin.
Hi Neil. Don't think it is Jim Mallon as I don't believe the Mallon's settled in Milton (Steels Ave.)till about 1955, about the same time we settled in Kingsleigh Court, Oct 1955.
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