There are errors in the identification of the ladies in the picture as follows:
Names should be:
Front Row L to R: Velma Norris,Lillian Farlow, Fannie Clements, Ellen Harbottle, Mary Gastle:
Back Row L to R: Catherine Langton, Mabel Hadley, Laura Dixon, Helen Jones, Grace Readhead.
Please contact me if you have any questions. (I knew all the ladies in the picture)
Posted by [Name Withheld], 4 May 2011 at 20:52
Thank you for making the corrections to the names.
One more thing - the name of the group was:
Mountain Union Women's Institute - this branch of the Women's Institute was named after the Mountain Union Sunday School which was located on the Bell School Line. The first meeting of the Mountain Union Women's Institute was held on the same farm as the Sunday School was located, originally a Bell farm.
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There are errors in the identification of the ladies in the picture as follows: Names should be: Front Row L to R: Velma Norris,Lillian Farlow, Fannie Clements, Ellen Harbottle, Mary Gastle: Back Row L to R: Catherine Langton, Mabel Hadley, Laura Dixon, Helen Jones, Grace Readhead. Please contact me if you have any questions. (I knew all the ladies in the picture)
Thank you for making the corrections to the names. One more thing - the name of the group was: Mountain Union Women's Institute - this branch of the Women's Institute was named after the Mountain Union Sunday School which was located on the Bell School Line. The first meeting of the Mountain Union Women's Institute was held on the same farm as the Sunday School was located, originally a Bell farm.
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