How amazing to find a picture of my father and family. From left to right, William Risk Woods (16Jul1890-23Mar1975), Eunice Viola (nee Hill) Woods (9Jan1893-29Apr1947), Gordon Woods (9Nov1924-3Nov2009), Frances (McAlpine, born 9Jan1913) and Bob Woods (born 21Feb1915). Based on my father's age, I estimate the picture to have been taken circa 1932.
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How amazing to find a picture of my father and family. From left to right, William Risk Woods (16Jul1890-23Mar1975), Eunice Viola (nee Hill) Woods (9Jan1893-29Apr1947), Gordon Woods (9Nov1924-3Nov2009), Frances (McAlpine, born 9Jan1913) and Bob Woods (born 21Feb1915). Based on my father's age, I estimate the picture to have been taken circa 1932.
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