Grave of David Downie at the Milton Bronte Street Pioneer Cemetery.

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Posted by [Name Withheld], 30 November 2012 at 19:37

While I agree that it is unlikely that his mother is buried here too.. at home(Scotland) Bell's hubby dies in 1854 so it's possible that she did venture to Canada n the last year of her life seeing as how that's where all her remaining family were.

Posted by Ian Downie, 17 February 2014 at 5:18

She didn't die in Strathdon because I have been through the Strathdon Statutory Registers of Deaths looking for Downie deaths and her death would have been recorded if she died there in 1855 - it isn't there. Her death isn't recorded on her husband David's gravestone in Strathdon Old Kirkyard - here's the transcription:

To the Memory of David Downie Farmer in Beilhandie, Born 1782 died 23rd April 1854, Erected by his Widow and Family, Also in memory of Charles Downie Sergt Major in the 53rd Regt who died at Beilhandie in 1810 aged 33.

I can't swear that she didn't die elsewhere in Scotland and I don't know when the family emigrated. I know her son Charles was in Scotland in 1851 as he appears in the Census in Udny.

See my website at for some of what I have on the Downies of Strathdon. I don't think I'm related to them but if there is a male Downie descendant in Canada who is willing to do a Y-DNA test I have my own results and those of a number of other Downies for comparison.

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