Posted by Dawn Coulter Atkinson, 11 August 2012 at 14:40
Great picture, great Teacher, great classmates. I had a lot or respect for Mrs Goldsraw although she did strap me once(and several others for leaving school grounds).
Three sets of twins in picture - had to be a record for the one room schools
Those were the days!! Building the stage for the Christmas concerts, mitts and touques drying on the big heat register, older students helping younger kids read, quite an experience!!
Regards to former classmates
Dawn Coulter Atkinson
Lacombe, Alberta
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Great picture, great Teacher, great classmates. I had a lot or respect for Mrs Goldsraw although she did strap me once(and several others for leaving school grounds).
Three sets of twins in picture - had to be a record for the one room schools
Those were the days!! Building the stage for the Christmas concerts, mitts and touques drying on the big heat register, older students helping younger kids read, quite an experience!!
Regards to former classmates
Dawn Coulter Atkinson Lacombe, Alberta
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