The caption underneath the photograph reads "A class at Bruce St. school in 1896. Most of them are dead now, according to Joe Willmott who loaned the photo. In the front row the fourth girl from the
The caption underneath the photograph reads "A class at Bruce St. school …
Top row - left to right - W. Patterson, Slick Robson, J. E. Hodgson, Alf Higginbotham. Middle row - left to right - W. E. Dewar, E. J. Wilson, Dave Trucksell(?), R. Winn. Bottom row - left to right -
Top row - left to right - W. Patterson, Slick Robson, J. …
Isaac Green was born May 27, 1857 in Milton, Halton County, Ontario, the son of William Green (1807-1886) and Catharine Bowman (1813-1887). They are buried in the Milton Pioneer Cemetery. In 1901, Is
Isaac Green was born May 27, 1857 in Milton, Halton County, Ontario, …
Thomas Henry Willmott married Catherine McCann in 1864. They had six children, two of whom died in infancy. The surviving children were Anna W. b.1865 (married William Hutchinson); Louise, b.1867; Fr
Thomas Henry Willmott married Catherine McCann in 1864. They had six children, …
James Harrison was the son of Thomas Harrison and Elizabeth Hodge. He was born in 1824 and died in 1904. Mrs. James Harrison died in 1899 aged 60. Photograph pasted on board.
James Harrison was the son of Thomas Harrison and Elizabeth Hodge. He …