Front row L-R - Jim Strain, Tom Logie, Mike Ledwith, Marsha Waldie. Back row L-R - Ron Downs, Bob Peddie, Doug Kocher, Olive Bergin, Tony Graci, Shirley Ramsbottomm, Jim Dills. Missing - Bill Kats
Front row L-R - Jim Strain, Tom Logie, Mike Ledwith, Marsha Waldie. …
The cemetery, which had been allowed to deteriorate, was restored in the 1920s by the local chapter of the I.O.D.E. This photograph was taken in 1952. The cemetery was then allowed to deteriorate aga
The cemetery, which had been allowed to deteriorate, was restored in the …
For further information see the Milton Historical Society web page and also the book "Milton remembers WWI" by John Challinor II and Jim Dills. SCAN ONLY
For further information see the Milton Historical Society web page and also …