Located in Victoria Park Square, Milton, Ont. Built in 1855 and enlarged in 1877, the building served as Halton County's Court House and Jail until 1974. It was purchased by the Town of Milton in 198
Located in Victoria Park Square, Milton, Ont. Built in 1855 and enlarged …
For further information regarding Bruce Street School, please consult "An indelible imprint" by Jim Dills. The School was demolished in 1973 and Milton Public Library erected in that area.
For further information regarding Bruce Street School, please consult "An indelible imprint" …
This was the old CNR station originally situated on the east side of Bronte, south of the P.L. Robertson office. Now the Tourst information building. It is situated on Martin (Highway 25) on the west
This was the old CNR station originally situated on the east side …
The Church was in use until the 1960s when the new Holy Rosary Church was built on Martin Street. It is currently (2010) the administrative office of the Milton Public Library.
The Church was in use until the 1960s when the new Holy …