Clements hardware store is now Delacourts and the Red Cross drug store is now Natures Fire. The store on the right of the picture was demolished and replaced with the post office. Five copies of phot
Clements hardware store is now Delacourts and the Red Cross drug store …
Notes from Jack Charlton - 425 Main Street plus Milton Greenhouse. During Bob Brown's ownership he sold off the corner for a gas station. At the front of the property he built a showroom for his flow
Notes from Jack Charlton - 425 Main Street plus Milton Greenhouse. During …
Notes accompanying the photograph written by Jack Charlton as follows: This is the site of the Blind and Sash Factory operated by John Hunter and John Ezard (see County Atlas). The original building
Notes accompanying the photograph written by Jack Charlton as follows: This is …
This is the original Mill site. The stone mill was demolished in 1963 after a disastrous fire. It was then owned by Robinhood Co. All of the structures here were built for Dr. C. Martin during his ye
This is the original Mill site. The stone mill was demolished in …
The Supersweet Feeds sign has gone and also the feed mill - it has been replaced with apartment blocks. The post office is now a restaurant; a new post office was built on Brown Street. Ledwith's gro
The Supersweet Feeds sign has gone and also the feed mill - …
Notes accompanying photograph. First constructed in 1886, modernized 1905 for Metropolitan Bank. 1965 Bank expanded to cover the full site. Fabric centre was previously Middleton Store (built c.1856-
Notes accompanying photograph. First constructed in 1886, modernized 1905 for Metropolitan Bank. …