For further information on Dr. Clarkson Freeman, please consult "Milton Area Biographies, Vol. 1". Dr. Clarkson Freeman b.1827 d. 1895. Ina Freeman (daughter of James and Helen Freeman) b.1882 d.1950
For further information on Dr. Clarkson Freeman, please consult "Milton Area Biographies, …
For further information on Dr. Clarkson Freeman, please consult "Milton Area Biographies, Vol. 1". Obituary notice for Mrs. Freeman see obituary notice in "The Canadian Champion", May 9, 1912. Born M
For further information on Dr. Clarkson Freeman, please consult "Milton Area Biographies, …
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. Photograph taken from "An Indelible Imprint" by Jim Dills. Caption below the photograph reads "Joe Willmott loaned
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected …
Photo loaned by Mrs. P. W. Cooke. The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. The caption below the photograph reads "Miss Bowes' class at Bruce Street was pho
Photo loaned by Mrs. P. W. Cooke. The school was demolished in …
Caption below the photograph reads "In 1896 teacher Miss McLean and her class were photographed and the teacher even put her bike in the picture. Front row D. Kenney, Alma Hoff, Kate Lavery, Laura He
Caption below the photograph reads "In 1896 teacher Miss McLean and her …