The school was situated in the Scotch Block area north of Milton. For further information on the Scotch Block, see "Halton's Scotch Block; the people and their stories" by Jim Dills and Gloria (Stark
The school was situated in the Scotch Block area north of Milton. …
Farmer involved with attempts to save the Percy B. Merry School and also a member of the Halton Farm Safety Association. Photograph from "The Canadian Champion"
Farmer involved with attempts to save the Percy B. Merry School and …
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library was erected in the space. Photograph taken from "An Indelible Imprint" by Jim Dills. For further information, please consult this bookl
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library was …
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. Photograph taken from "An Indelible Imprint" by Jim Dills. Caption below the photograph reads "Joe Willmott loaned
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected …
Mrs. P. W. Cooke loaned the photograph for publication. She is among the students. The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. Photograph taken from "An Indeli
Mrs. P. W. Cooke loaned the photograph for publication. She is among …
Photo loaned by Mrs. P. W. Cooke. The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. The caption below the photograph reads "Miss Bowes' class at Bruce Street was pho
Photo loaned by Mrs. P. W. Cooke. The school was demolished in …
The caption underneath the photograph reads "A class at Bruce St. school in 1896. Most of them are dead now, according to Joe Willmott who loaned the photo. In the front row the fourth girl from the
The caption underneath the photograph reads "A class at Bruce St. school …
The caption underneath the photograph reads "This group was photographed at Bruce St. Public School in 1911 or 1912, according to Harry Fetter of 41 Main St. who loaned the photo. Mr. Fetter says the
The caption underneath the photograph reads "This group was photographed at Bruce …
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected on the lot. The caption underneath the photograph reads "Miss G. Young's class is pictured here and there is some confusion ove
The school was demolished in 1973 and the Milton Public Library erected …